by Irma | Aug 28, 2019 | Violin & Violinists, Words on Music
Cutting edges of violin playing Last week we wrote about Malwina Sosnowksi and her adventures in Brazil. When she returned to Switzerland she found herself within 10 days ending up booking a flight to New Delhi and heading off to beautiful India. This time as a...
by Irma | Jul 17, 2019 | Words on Music
Cutting edges of a music career Malwina Sosnowski, a violinist from Basel, has been playing and performing since age five (1990), with no significant breaks or loose of focus in her music career ladder. At the end of 2016, though, and after many years of freelancing...
by Irma | Jul 17, 2019 | Instruments & Players, Music teaching, Violin & Violinists
The most complete online video encyclopedia about Bach's violin solo repertoire in the world. Miriam Fried dedicated almost a year to complete her online Bach video encyclopedia. It's a true declaration of love and admiration for Bach. We dare to say the most complete...