by Irma | Aug 28, 2019 | Cello & Cellists, Words on Music
"A great piece of art” Peled serenades with Historic Instrument of Pablo Casals (video) By Irma de Jong How the musician and the Pablo Casals cello came together At a very young age, Amit fell in love with a girl that played the cello. He decided to impress her and...
by Irma | Jul 17, 2019 | E-Learning, Words on Music
Online Master Classes at a high level by iClassical Academy. An online music academy that is poised to make an impact ! By Kenny Sahr iClassical academy offers dozens of master classes recorded by some of the world’s most eminent classical musicians using...
by Irma | Jul 17, 2019 | Instruments & Players, Music teaching, Violin & Violinists
The most complete online video encyclopedia about Bach's violin solo repertoire in the world. Miriam Fried dedicated almost a year to complete her online Bach video encyclopedia. It's a true declaration of love and admiration for Bach. We dare to say the most complete...