CMA Streams Artist
Juan Manuel
Ruiz Pardo
Performer, arranger and teacher from Murcia, Spain

Performer, arranger, and teacher from Murcia, Spain. He was awarded to follow postgraduate studies with Robert Brightmore at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama (London). Juan won 1st Prize at the XIV Concurso Internacional “Martín Códax” (Cuenca).
"Acoustic Rhapsody was the name I chose back then to present this live concept. No wonder the album´s title, since it honors the repertoire I have been arranging and performing for the last ten years. Ranging from The Beatles (always!!) to different snapshots in the history of black music (blues, ragtime, soul), a disco jewel from the eighties (Video Killed the Radio Star), classic rock hits (Police, Toto)… and, of course, I´ve included three Queen songs. I can´t remember when I last wrote a setlist without including at least one of his works of genius.
For the very first time, I have used my Gibson “Chet Atkins” guitar for a record. I was a bit reluctant at first, but given that it has become my only instrument for live performances, I decided to try the idea. And I'm so glad I did. I think it has an ideal tone and a beautiful sound for this kind of music."
About Juan
Juan Manuel Ruiz Pardo, Performer, Arranger, Teacher
Juan Manuel Ruiz is a performer, arranger and teacher from Murcia, Spain. He was awarded to follow postgraduate studies with Robert Brightmore at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama (London), where he developed a monographic on the guitar Works of Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco.
Juan won 1st Prize at the XIV Concurso Internacional “Martín Códax” (Cuenca) and was awarded at the 2nd Aveiro Internacional Guitar Festival (Portugal).
A very active arranger, his transcription for four guitars of Prokofiev´s “Classical” Symphony deserved a public greeting from Leo Brouwer, for whom he performed it at the X “Semana de la Guitarra” from Cartagena.
I hope I can help others to develop their musicianship. I think of the music first and then bring it to the guitar. That will make us complete musicians and open our scope rather than limitate it to our instrument. We shouldn't be afraid of imagining. The important thing is not what you really play, but what you suggest: the illusion you create."
Juan's Music
"I try to explore the polyphonic capacities of the guitar and work on several simultaneous textures, either in composing, arranging, or improvising. I try to take joy in any performing occasion and communicate with my audience as much as I can."
Recorded in July 2023 at "Acoustic Light"
Arrangements: Juan Manuel Ruiz Pardo
Recording & edition: Juan Manuel Ruiz Pardo
Mastering: José Luis Martínez Moreno
Additional edition: Gianriccardo Pera
Main cover/Hold the Line: Anatoliy Hlodan.
A hard day's night: Mariola Martínez.
Easy winners: Carmela Oliart